21 Jun MCM Building a Brand
“When clients evaluate National Demolition Association Member MCM Management’s performance, they comment on our commitment. The commitment to excellence in operations is what sets us apart,” says David Mardigian, President of MCM Management. The MCM brand defines a dedicated group of professionals from various disciplines, a superior fleet of equipment and attachments, the habit of always listening to the client, and attention to details. The philosophy forges new approaches to solving old problems. “We grow our business by creating loyalty-with employees, clients, vendors, and labor organizations. We perform, we keep our word, and our pricing is competitive. I am very proud of our team’s success”, he said.
MCM Management, headquartered in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, was founded in 1993. The company employs nearly 150 people and has a fleet of 500 assets, with an acquisition value of mid eight figures. Revenues are also in mid eight figures.
The company operates six activities that are divided into five principal divisions. Corporate activities to support the operating divisions are managed by Rob Mardigian. Joining MCM in 2002 after graduating from Michigan State University, he immediately began working to transform the structure of MCM from purely entrepreneurial to corporate, while retaining the enterprising nature that fosters the company’s growth. He subsequently attained an MBA in Finance, and is currently finishing his Masters in Accounting. Among Rob’s corporate responsibilities are the design and implementation of financial controls and the compilation of financial statements. Robert also established state of the art information technology at MCM’s remote sites to allow real time reporting of all pertinent data.
David Mardigian, a colorful, personable man who often cooks lunch for employees and clients, along with MCM, have forged a solid reputation for consistently delivering promised results. As a result, MCM continues to win large scale industrial Demolition & Decommissioning projects from its clients. Mardigian says “We’re whale hunters, so to speak.
We focus on companies with large scale industrial properties who will be repeat buyers of D&D. The most knowledgeable buyers of demolition services understand the value of out service package. Over 85 percent of out work is repeat business, which makes us very fortunate. This allows us to learn out client’s needs and develop programs that completely support their end use goals.” We also pursue certain government contracts that perform demolition and remediation work. “Large scale projects allow us to utilize the full range of out remediation work. “Large scale projects allow us to utilize the full range of out capabilities.”
While industrial demolition is a core competence, it is by no means the only industrial service offered by MCM. MCM has diversified by integrating and mastering elements related to its core work. This includes nuclear demolition operations, growing its inhouse capabilities to perform industrial cleaning operations, asbestos removal, and further mechanizing value added scrap and concrete recycling to a level rarely seen in the niche. These capabilities have allowed MCM to perform the most demanding schedules at competitive pricing.
The ability to recycle all types of scrap is the core of MCM’s competitive structure. By recycling nearly 100% of the typical industrial project, environmental standards are enhanced and client interests are protected. Projects range in area from 500,000 to 5,000,000 square foot. MCM recycles approximately 500,000 tons of ferrous scrap and concrete on an annual basis. MCM has performed over 40 million square feet of industrial D&D in the past several years, routinely completing its work on time and within budget. Completing a job without extra charges is an integrity issue, and remains central to MCM’s success.
Another key to the success MCM enjoys is the strategic relationships it has with key suppliers and manufacturers of machinery and attachments. The machinery fleet mainly consists of Caterpillar and Volvo. Attachments are 95% LaBounty. These machines and tools form the physical plant and equipment that establish MCM as an industry leader in productivity and safe operations. The MCM fleet is designed to demolish, process, and remove materials with precision, in a minimum amount of effort. The latest addition is a CAT 385C UHD, equipped with 131 feet of reach. This machine will employ a LaBounty MSD1000R Sabre Series rotating shear.
This latest addition to MCM’s LaBounty fleet is one of about 80 LaBounty attachments. The 385UHD will perform takedown operations on structures to the 140 above grade level. The 385C UHD joins MCM’s 345B UHD and 330B UHD ultra high machines to perform the safe and environmentally sound takedown of structures.
“Caterpillar has created a fine line of ultra high demolition machines. They are stable and many enhancements have been included for operator comfort and safety. The quality of product is enhanced because these machines are at the front line of our operation”, says Mardigian. Supporting dealers for MCM’s Caterpillar machines are Michigan Cat, Ohio Cat, Cleveland Bros/Beckwith Machinery, Alban Cat, McAllister Machinery and Whayne Supply.
MCM also owns Volvo Construction Equipment machines. “Volvo has made remarkable steps in product quality and has made a huge jump in product support, which is the whole game when you talk about supporting demolition machinery. Supporting dealers for MCM’s Volvo machines are Wolverine Tractor and Cantwell Machinery, and McClung Logan Machinery”.
Supporting dealers for MCM’s Volvo machines are Wolverine Tractor and Cantwell Machinery, and McClung Logan Machinery”. Although MCM’s fleet of construction and demolition machinery is important, industrial demolition applications are performed by the worktool. MCM centers its worktool investment primarily on LaBounty for its shears, concrete processors, universal LaBounty for its shears, concrete processors, universal processors, and material handling tools. “There are hundreds of choices of shears, grapples, and attachments-from all over the world. Many look like they should do the job. Some manufacturers have gone to great lengths to make their tools look like clones of big name tool makers. However, when the shears go into the steel, it only takes a few minutes before you know if the tools are up to the task. When there are problems, you find out right away if the manufacturer is going to stand behind the product. In my experience, the people at LaBounty have been more willing to listen to critical revue, quicker to respond fairly, and far more responsive to the challenges that MCM has faces”. Quality in design and manufacturing is the first round of the battle, but it doesn’t win without help. If an attachment is going to succeed in demolition and materials
processing/handling, parts and technical support is at least as important as price and design. LaBounty “gets” this, and in MCM’s opinion, gets it better than other attachment manufacturers. MCM supporting dealers for LaBounty are Michigan Cat and Company Wrench.
In the past five, MCM invested heavily to self perform many tasks that were traditionally contracted out. Still, it becomes necessary to bring another firm into a part of a project. At these times, MCM turns first to the National Demolition Association membership list. “The NDA has made tremendous progress on two broad issues that are near and dear to MCM and many others: First, Make Taylor and the Board have opened a long running dialogue with regulatory officials’ ad agencies at the Federal level.
Second, the Association promotes responsible and professional conduct by members by reinforcing behavior that raises the image of Demolition professionals in general. We are proud to be associated with the NDA and would prefer, whenever possible, to deal with NDA member firms”.
People-the Essence of Success:
The MCM team constantly searches for creative approaches to satisfy the client’s needs. Rob Mardigian states, “The better we understand out customer’s needs, the better MCM can deliver the appropriate solution.”
MCM’s team resemble a close-knit family more than a group of workers. Employees personally challenge each other in positive ways that enhance safety, customer service, and productivity.
“Safety is a huge part of the corporate culture here,” says Mardigian. Daily site safety meetings, a corporate safety staff with hundreds of years in the trade, and a Safety Director, whose experience includes past service as an official of OSHA. Over 90 percent of MCM’s core employees have been with the company five years or longer. Workforce stability is the key to MCM’s industry leading training and productivity.
Demolition Means Progress
MCM’s slogan was originated by David’s father, Henry. Henry Mardigian began his demolition career in 1948. He recognized that the safe removal of industrial structures was not a sign of sickness, but health. As plants, equipment, and methods are improved, older asset become less productive. The US is the world’s most productive country. It will only continue to lead the world by constantly upgrading plant and equipment. Demolition enables industry to control costs and remain competitive.
The Mardigians and the MCM Management team adhere to this philosophy as it supports its clients in the unending quest to lead the world in productivity.
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